We have compiled a list of FAQs to help answer some of your questions. If there is something you feel we haven’t answered, be sure to get in touch.
Bookings are only confirmed once your deposit has been received, and they are non-refundable. For any purchases of tattoo sessions via Klarna, 25% of the total cost will be considered as your deposit.
If you need to rearrange your appointment, please notify us at least 72 hours in advance, or you will lose your deposit. Appointments can only be rescheduled once.
As a general rule, we will share the design with you on the day of your appointment. At this point, you will either love it as is, or you may want some elements changed, in which case the artist will work on these with you in person. We work this way for two reasons:
– By working with you, we can make adjustments quickly without having to go back and forth
over email etc.
– If we send it in advance, you may naturally want to show other people and everyone has an
opinion. (Too many cooks spoil the broth, and this tattoo is for you.)
No. Your tattoo, and the quote provided, is determined by the amount of time your appointment will take. This includes any design adjustments, applying the tattoo stencil, and anything else involved in the tattooing process. Please arrive at the time of your appointment.
If you don’t feel comfortable coming to your appointment alone, please let us know when booking. Typically, we have room for one more person.
No. In the same way that we would not expect another artist to steal one of our designs, we will not steal someone else’s work. We can use references to design something custom for you that is in a similar style.
You must be over 18 to get a tattoo and will be asked to present valid ID at your appointment. If it is revealed on the day of your appointment that you: Are pregnant or breastfeeding; are under the influence of alcohol or drugs; are using blood thinners; have any skin condition affecting the
skin so much it is deemed inappropriate to tattoo upon, i.e. severe eczema or psoriasis directly on the area they intend to have tattooed; have used numbing cream without written agreement from your artist; have any contagious medical condition that poses a serious risk to the
employees at the studio, we reserve the right to withhold our services and retain your deposit, as you are knowingly unsuitable for this procedure.
Yes. It is best to contact us to check that we have availability on the day.
Check our blog post here to find out how to best prepare yourself and your skin for your appointment.
At the end of your appointment, we will provide you with aftercare instructions. Should your tattoo not heal well due to you not following the aftercare guidance provided, there will be a cost for any resulting touch-ups.
Scalp micro-pigmentation is a long-lasting, non-invasive solution to hair loss. Redefining your hairline and giving you the look of a short buzz cut with a natural, undetectable result. Read more about SMP here.